Monday 10 October 2011

North wall starts to pop out

North wall frame - the big bits are up
Well hello.  Forgot I had a blog for a little while there - sorry.

Not that our progress on the mud shed is anything to write a blog about.  I've been distracted with the important business of being alive in the springtime, and TJ has been distracted by having a job that calls on him to work for six solid weekends, right when he wants to bolt some old bits of timber to the concrete.

But he has made some progress on framing up the north wall.  The main shape of the window seat and its little roof have started to emerge from the main building, with some typically solid joinery.  We haven't even added the bracing and I can already swing from the top-plate without it moving an inch.

Joining two thick wall frames (got enough bolts in that thing?)

Meanwhile, while I'm waiting for the chinese book industry to stop working weekends, I could be getting on with some render, but it's spring, and there are wildflowers, and there's a food garden to plant, and there are native animals living in the fabric of my house!  It's distracting.

If this wasn't a mud shed blog, I could post a hundred photos of local wildflowers.  

Hoary Sunray - Leucochrysum Albicans
Actually I do have a few other building things to show, and I'll write another post soon.  Meanwhile, have an echidna.